(Laboratory Weekly Scientific Discussion Forum)
Date: 19-05-2018
Name of the presenter: Aniket Gupta
Title: Snowfall in the Himalayas: an uncertain future from a little-known past
Date: 28-04-2018
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra kumar
Title: Dynamical downscaling of Global Climate Model (GCMs) using regional climate model RegCM4 for the present climate in order to obtain the best possible forcings for the simulation of ISM
Date: 22-04-2018
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Effect of Global Warming of 1.5°C and 2°C on Indian summer monsoon from CORDEX-SA regional climate projections
Date: 22-04-2018
Name of the presenter: Devika
Title: Future temperature extremes over Himalayan region from bias corrected regional climate simulation
Date: 07-04-2018
Name of the presenter: Aniket Gupta
Title: Projecting future temperature and precipitation over Sutlej river basin- an assessment from CORDEX REMO
Date: 31-03-2018
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Assessment of bias corrected method for Indian summer monsoon from CORDEX-SA simulation
Date: 10-03-2018
Name of the presenter: Anamika Shikha
Title: To determine the impact of climate change on cotton crop due to temperature variations, using crop model- DSSAT
Date: 03-03-2018
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Embedded long term non-linear trend in sunspot activity and its effect on Indian Summer Monsoon precipitation
Date: 17-02-2018
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: Energetics of Indian monsoons and variability of associated droughts (Synopsis)
Date: 17-02-2018
Name of the presenter: Devika Dimri
Title: Changes in temperatures extremes over Himalaya in future
Date: 17-02-2018
Name of the presenter: Saumya G Kutty
Title: Effect of natural and anthropogenic forcings on fog occurrence over the Indo-gangetic plains in India (Synopsis)
Date: 17-02-2018
Name of the presenter: Anamika Shikha
Title: Model based approach to study the impact of climate change on cotton crop (Synopsis)
Date: 30-12-2017
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T M
Title: Western disturbances climatology and associated dynamics
Date: 30-12-2017
Name of the presenter: Saumya G Kutty
Title: On the fog variability over South Asia
Date: 23-12-2017
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Date: 16-12-2017
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Performance of different cumulus and land surface parameterization schemes in simulating contrasting monsoon years over CORDEX-South Asia domain
Date: 16-12-2017
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Embedded long term non-linear trend in sunspot activity and its effect on Indian Summer Monsoon precipitation
Date: 09-12-2017
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Urbanization related changes in lightning activity over Delhi
Date: 09-12-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Assessment of bias correction methods for precipitation over India from CORDEX-SA simulations
Date: 25-11-2017
Name of the presenter: Arkadeb Banerjee
Title: Comparative analysis of two rainfall retrieval algorithm during extreme rainfall event - A case study on Cloudburst, 2010 over Ladakh (Leh), Jammu and Kashmir
Date: 25-11-2017
Name of the presenter: Aniket Gupta
Title: Predictor selection in downscaling
Date: 18-11-2017
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T. M.
Title: Western disturbances climatology and associated dynamics
Date: 18-11-2017
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title: European climatology of fog and low stratus based on geostationary satellite observations
Date: 11-11-2017
Name of the presenter: Anamika Shikha
Title: To determine the impact of climate change on cotton crop due to temperature variations, using crop model- DSSAT
Date: 04-11-2017
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Performance of different cumulus and land surface parameterization schemes in simulating contrasting monsoon years over CORDEX-South Asia Domain
Date: 04-11-2017
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Rainfall seasonality using seasonality index over Indian Subcontinent
Date: 28-10-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Assessment of bias correction methods for precipitation over India from CORDEX-SA simulations
Date: 28-10-2017
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Effect of urbanization on lightning over four metropolitan cities of India
Date: 14-10-2017
Name of the presenter: Aniket Gupta
Title: Review of Downscaling methods
Date: 07-10-2017
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title: Forecast of Low Visibility and Fog From NCEP–Current Status and Efforts
Date: 07-10-2017
Name of the presenter: Anamika Shikha
Title: Synopsis presentation
Date: 23-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Anamika Shikha
Title: Vulnerabilities and Adapting Irrigated and Rainfed Cotton to Climate Change in the Lower Mississippi Delta Region.
Date: 23-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: Palaeo-climatic droughts in India
Date: 16-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Rainfall seasonality using seasonality index over Indian Subcontinent.
Date: 16-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Performance of different cumulus and land surface parameterization schemes in simulating contrasting monsoon years over CORDEX-South Asia Domain
Date: 16-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Simran Chopra
Title: Future climate changes over Indus river basin under different climate scenarios
Date: 09-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Precipitation extremes over India in future from CORDEX-SA experiments
Date: 09-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Land-air interactions over two selected transects using satellite observations from 1991-2016- A case study of Delhi, India
Date: 02-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Simran Chopra
Title: Future climate changes over Indus river basin under different climate scenarios
Date: 02-09-2017
Name of the presenter: Arkadeb Banerjee
Title: Dynamics of Himalayan ecosystems and its impact under changing climate scenario in Western Himalayas
Date: 26-08-2017
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T. M.
Title: Western disturbances climatology and associated dynamics
Date: 26-08-2017
Name of the presenter: Saumya G Kutty
Title: Characterizing fog over Bangalore International Airport
Date: 19-08-2017
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: Heat and moisture balance of extreme drought of Indian Summer Monsoon season using different indices
Date: 19-08-2017
Name of the presenter: Anamika Shikha
Title: Crop-weather-disease interaction studies for the prediction of leaf curl virus disease in cotton crop at Hisar
Authors: R. Singh, J. Beniwal, D. Singh and J. K. Mani
Date: 12-08-2017
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Performance of the CORDEX-Africa regional climate simulations in representing the hydrological cycle of the Niger River basin
Authors: Mascaro et al., 2015
Date: 12-08-2017
Name of the presenter: Simran Chopra
Author: Shabeh ul Hasson
Title: Future Water Availability from Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalaya upper Indus Basin under Conflicting Climate Change Scenarios
Date: 05-08-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Understanding elevation dependent warming in future over Himalayan region from CORDEX-SA simulations
Date: 05-08-2017
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Two Decades of Urban Climate Research: A Review of Turbulence, Exchanges of Energy and Water, and The Urban Heat Island
Author: A. John Arnfield
Date: 08-07-2017
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Individual seasonality index of rainfall regimes in Greece
Date: 08-07-2017
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Performance of different cumulus and land surface parameterization schemes in simulating contrasting monsoon years over CORDEX-South Asia Domain
Date: 01-07-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Understanding elevation dependent warming in future over Himalayan region from CORDEX-SA simulations
Date: 01-07-2017
Name of the presenter: A. S. Petrutiu
Title: An Anthropology of Science Approach to Assessing the Knowledge Infrastructure of Climate Modelling in India
Date: 24-06-2017
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Year-round daytime cold island in a highly urban city?
Date: 17-06-2017
Name of the presenter: Arkadeb Banerjee
Title: Dynamics of Himalayan ecosystem and its impact under changing climate scenario.
Date: 10-06-2017
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T. M.
Title: Western disturbances climatology and associated dynamics
Date: 03-06-2017
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: Heat and moisture balance of extreme drought of Indian Summer Monsoon season using different indices
Date: 03-06-2017
Name of the presenter: Anamika Shikha
Title: Quantification of water stress at sensitive growth stages of cotton with DSSAT-CROPGRO model, in Hisar for both irrigated and non irrigated conditions in selected years
Date: 27-05-2017
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Performance of different cumulus parameterization schemes in simulating contrasting monsoon years over CORDEX-South Asia Domain
Date: 20-05-2017
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T. M.
Title: Roles of Anomalous Tibetan Plateau Warming on the Severe 2008 Winter Storm in Central-Southern China
Date: 20-05-2017
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title: Technical Note: Mapping and forecasting of North Indian winter fog : An application of spatial technologies
Date: 13-05-2017
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Efficacy of Filtering Techniques in Improving Landsat SLC-off Thermal Infra-Red Data
Date: 13-05-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Dynamical added value of CORDEX-SA regional climate models over global climate models for Indian summer monsoon
Date: 29-04-2017
Name of the presenter: Andra Sonia Petrutiu
Title: Regional climate modelling in India: The production of predictive climate knowledge.
Date: 29-04-2017
Name of the presenter: Saumy G. Kutty
Title: On the characterization of winter fog.
Date: 15-04-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Dynamical added value of CORDEX-SA regional climate models over global climate models for Indian summer monsoon.
Date: 25-03-2017
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Investigation of teleconnection patterns associated with Indian winter monsoon.
Date: 18-03-2017
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title: Fog Research: A Review of Past Achievements and Future Perspectives.
Date: 18-03-2017
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: Heat and moisture balance of extreme drought years of India Summer Monsoon using different indices.
Date: 18-02-2017
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Indian winter monsoon and its future projection under changing climate scenario.
Date: 11-02-2017
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Indian winter monsoon and its future projection under changing climate scenario.
Date: 11-02-2017
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Assessment of coupled regional land-atmosphere model for Indian summer monsoon and its furure projection.
Date: 28-01-2017
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Trends of Convective Available Potential Energy over the Indian region and its effect on rainfall
Date: 28-01-2017
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Year-round daytime cold island in a highly urban city?
Date: 14-01-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Study of the effects of dust on the Indian summer monsoon using a regional climate model
Date: 07-01-2017
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Study of the effects of dust on the Indian summer monsoon using a regional climate model
Date: 26-11-2016
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Impact of Arctic Oscillation on Indian Winter Monsoon
Date: 26-11-2016
Name of the presenter: Shilpi Arora
Title: Simulation of an extreme precipitation event over Uttarakhand, India during July 1-2, 2016 using Weather Research and Forecasting Model
Date: 19-11-2016
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: Monitoring drought dynamics in the Aravalli region (India) using different indices based on ground and remote sensing data
Date: 19-11-2016
Name of the presenter: Sujai Banerjee
Title: Mass balance modeling of glaciers
Date: 05-11-2016
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title:Quantifying the predictability of Indian Summer Monsoon
Date: 05-11-2016
Name of the presenter: Shilpi Arora
Title: Did a cloud burst occur in Kedarnath during 16 and 17 June 2013?
Date: 05-11-2016
Name of the presenter: Som Mishra
Title: Preliminary approach to estimate Mass-balance through Hydrological modelling in Chhota Shigri Glacier, Lahaul-Spiti valley, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Date: 29-10-2016
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title:Quantifying the predictability of Indian Summer Monsoon
Date: 29-10-2016
Name of the presenter: Som Mishra
Title: Preliminary approach to estimate Mass-balance through Hydrological modelling in Chhota Shigri Glacier, Lahaul-Spiti valley, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Date: 22-10-2016
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Impact of Arctic Oscillation on Indian Winter Monsoon
Date: 15-10-2016
Name of the presenter: Sujai Banerji
Title: Applicability of remotely sensed surface velocity of ice-flow in a glacier to estimate its ice volume
Date: 15-10-2016
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Impact of Arctic Oscillation on Indian Winter Monsoon
Date: 08-10-2016
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Investigation of the UHI effects related to increased urbanization in Delhi
Date: 24-09-2016
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Simulation and projection of climatic changes in the Indus River Basin , using the regional climate model COSMO-CLM
Date: 10-09-2016
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: An analysis of urban thermal characteristics and associated land cover in Tampa Bay and Las Vegas using Landsat satellite data.
Date: 13-08-2016
Name of the presenter: Shilpi Arora
Title: Investigation of Uttarakhand (India) disaster-2013 using weather research and forecasting model.
Date: 06-08-2016
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Indian Winter Monsoon and Arctic Oscillation.
Date: 09-07-2016
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: The energetics of Winter Monsoon over Indian Subcontinent.
Date: 25-06-2016
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: The energetics of Winter Monsoon over Indian Subcontinent.
Date: 18-06-2016
Name of the presenter: Sujai Banerji
Title: Differential equations of glacial proportions.
Date: 11-06-2016
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: The energetics of Winter Monsoon over Indian Subcontinent.
Date: 11-06-2016
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Efficacy of filtering techniques in improving Landsat SLC-off Thermal Infra-Red data.
Date: 28-05-2016
Name of the presenter: Saumya G Kutty
Title: Deterministic chaos and predictability of Indian Summer Monsoon.
Date: 28-05-2016
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: The energetics of Winter Monsoon over Indian Subcontinent.
Date: 02-04-2016
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: On the relationship between East African Jet and different phases of Indian Summer Monsoon.
Date: 02-04-2016
Name of the presenter: Anamika Shikha
Title: A model based study of water stress on cotton crop.
Date: 19-03-2016
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Assessment of CORDEX-South Asia experiments for seasonal temperature over Himalyan region for future climate.
Date: 5-3-2016
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Diagnostics of winter weather over Indian region.
Date: 30-1-2016
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: Diagnostics of winter weather over Indian region.
Date: 16-1-2016
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title: The Annual Cycle, Intraseasonal Oscillations, and Roadblock to Seasonal Predictability of the Asian Summer Monsoon.
Date: 16-12-2015
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world.
Date: 9-1-2016
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title: The Annual Cycle, Intraseasonal Oscillations, and Roadblock to Seasonal Predictability of the Asian Summer Monsoon.
Date: 12-12-2015
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Assessment of CORDEX-South Asia experiments for seasonal temperature over Himalyan region for future climate
Date: 05-12-2015
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Assessment of CORDEX-South Asia experiments for monsoonal precipitation over Himalyan region for future climate: Part II
Date: 05-12-2015
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Assessment of CORDEX-South Asia experiments for temperature over Himalyan region for future climate
Date: 07-11-2015
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Assessment of CORDEX-South Asia experiments for monsoonal precipitation over Himalyan region for future climate: Part II
Date: 17-10-2015
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: What caused the winter drought in western Nepal during recent years?
Date: 17-10-2015
Name of the presenter: Saumya G. Kutty
Title: Quantifying predictability of Indian summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillations using nonlinear time series analysis.
Date: 10-10-2015
Name of the presenter: Midhuna T.M.
Title: What caused the winter drought in western Nepal during recent years?
Date: 10-10-2015
Name of the presenter: Tumpi Nengker
Title: Evaluation of performance of CORDEX-South Asia experiments for seasonal variation in temperature over the Himalayan region for the present climate (1970-2005).
Date: 10-10-2015
Name of the presenter: Diya Sen
Title: Estimating the statistical relationships between E.coli genes under different conditions.
Date: 03-10-2015
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Performance of convection schemes on the simulation of summer monsoon features over the South Asia CORDEX domain using RegCM-4.3
Date: 26-09-2015
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Dynamical downscaling using RegCM over CORDEX South Asia region.
Date: 26-09-2015
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title:Demarcation of urban and non-urban area on fishnet grids.
Date: 12-09-2015
Name of the presenter: Tumpi Nengker
Title: Do the western Himalayas defy global warming?
Date: 12-09-2015
Name of the presenter: Dhirendra Kumar
Title: Dynamical downscaling using RegCM over CORDEX South Asia region.
Date: 05-09-2015
Name of the presenter: Sonali Meena
Title: Radiation fog prediction using simple numerical model.
Date: 22-08-2015
Name of the presenter: Sonali Meena
Title: Radiation fog prediction using simple numerical model.
Date: 22-08-2015
Name of the presenter: Pramod Kumar
Title: The energetics of Asian Summer Monsoon.
Date: 08-08-2015
Name of the presenter: Sonali Meena
Title: Causes for decadal variations of wind speed over land: Sensitivity studies with a global climate model.
Date: 08-08-2015
Name of the presenter: Midhuna
Title: Changes in Western Disturbances over the western Himalayas in a warming environment.
Date: 01-08-2015
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall and its association with atmospheric features, ENSO, QBO and Sunspot number.
Date: 04-07-2015
Name of the presenter : Anamika Shikha
Title of the presentation : DSSAT Model simulation: A case study on Akola for Cotton Crop.
Date: 27-06-2015
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title: Assessment of CORDEX-South Asia experiments for monsoonal precipitation over Himalyan region for future climate: Part II
Date: 20-06-2015
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall and its association with atmospheric features, ENSO, QBO and Sunspot number.
Date: 30-05-2015
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Revisiting the possible links between QBO and ISM using NCEP R-2 and CMAP fields.
Date: 30-05-2015
Name of the presenter: Madhavi Jain
Title: Estimation of temperature in Delhi from 1990-2015 using Landsat thermal band.
Date: 23-05-2015
Name of the presenter : Dhirendra Kumar
Title of the presentation : Future projection of ISM variability under climate change scenario: An assessment from CMIP5 climate models.
Date: 16-05-2015
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
1.On the work to be done in the future projection part of CORDEX experiments' assessment over Himalayan region and,
2. The idea of bias correction to be applied on the CORDEX output
Date: 28-03-2015
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title: Variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall and its association with atmospheric features, ENSO, QBO and Sunspot number
Date: 07-03-2015
Name of the presenter : Anamika Shikha
Title of the presentation : Challenges to food security in India and implication of DSSAT Model
Date: 07-03-2015
Name of the presenter : Dhirendra Kumar
Title of the presentation : Consistent increase in Indian Monsoon rainfall and its variability across CMIP-5 models
Date: 31-01-2015
Name of the presenter : Anubhav Choudhary
Title of the presentation : Performance of CORDEX Regional Climate Models in simulating precipitation climatology of Indian Summer Monsoon
Date: 24-01-2015
Name of the presenter : Madhavi Jain
Title of the presentation : Land Use/ Land Cover Change and associated effects of urbanization: A case study of Delhi, India
Date: 17-01-2015
Name of the presenter : Anubhav Choudhary
Title of the presentation : Study of the Impact on Productivity of a Common Variety of Rice grown in Patna region in light of projected Climate Change scenario -by using DSSAT V4.5 – A Crop Simulation Model
Date: 03-01-2015
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title of the presentation: A wavelet cross-spectral analysis of solar–ENSO–rainfall connections in the Indian monsoons
Authors: Roddam Narasimha and Subarna Bhattacharyya
Date: 23-08-2014
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title of the presentation: Assessment of the Performance of CORDEX Regional Climate Models in Simulating ISM
Date: 02-08-2014
Name of the presenter: Praveen Rai
Title of the presentation: Time series analysis of discharge of the Narayani river basin, Nepal using EEMD technique
Date: 19-07-2014
Name of the presenter: Anubhav Choudhary
Title of the presentation: Assessment of the Performance of CORDEX Regional Climate Models in Simulating ISM